Nicholas Fainlight is an aspiring finance professional.

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What Are The Biggest Tech Trends To Look For In 2022?

With technology advancing at a seemingly exponential rate, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. However, in this blog post, we will take a look at the top personal tech trends for 2022. Some of these trends may seem futuristic, but they are all very real and could have a significant impact on our lives in the near future. So without further ado, let’s get started!

The rise of the metaverse

The metaverse is a digital world that exists parallel to our own. It is a place where people can interact with each other and with digital content in a way that feels realistic and immersive. This trend is being driven by the increasing power and capabilities of virtual reality technology.

The concept of the metaverse has been around for many years, but it is only now starting to become a reality. In 2022, we will see the metaverse start to take shape as more and more people begin to use VR technology to create and explore digital worlds.

A chip shortage

A global chip shortage is currently underway and it is expected to last until at least 2022. This shortage is a result of the increasing demand for electronic devices, which has outstripped the supply of chips. The effects of the chip shortage are already being felt by the electronics industry, and consumers will likely start to see price hikes for devices such as laptops, smartphones, and gaming consoles.

The chip shortage is expected to have a major impact on the personal tech industry in 2022. Many companies will be forced to delay or cancel new product launches, and price increases are likely to become the norm.

The death of the smartphone

The smartphone is one of the most ubiquitous devices in the world, but its days may be numbered. In 2022, we will start to see the first signs of the demise of the smartphone as new technologies begin to take their place.

One of these new technologies is foldable phones. These devices are already available, but they are still very expensive. In 2022, we will see the price of foldable phones start to come down, making them more accessible to the average consumer.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the personal tech trends that we can expect to see in 2022. It is sure to be an exciting year for the industry, and we can’t wait to see what innovations and technologies emerge.

Nicholas Fainlight Understanding AI in Healthcare

Understanding AI in Healthcare

Technological innovation in healthcare can make drastic improvements in the care patients receive. Co-founder and CEO of Penumbra Inc., a global healthcare company, talks about his top tips for making healthcare more effective through technology. Being able to invent and develop new products is essential when addressing the complex needs of patients. Doing so could help your company stand out from the competition or allow it to provide new and more effective solutions.

Penumbra’s technology has been shown to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from vascular disorders. The company was founded in 2004 to develop a way to remove blood clots from the brain effectively. Currently, treating these clots with anticoagulation medication can lead to severe complications. Penumbra’s technology offers a revolutionary alternative.

Through its commitment to improving the quality of life for people, Penumbra sees the potential of immersive healthcare as a way to help millions of individuals. This technology, which is already being used in healthcare, can provide patients with various experiences and support their physical rehabilitation.

As a company that values continuous improvement, Penumbra encourages its employees to try new things and develop new ideas. One of the company’s fundamental values is its belief in its employees. This is evidenced by the way it treats them throughout its projects. Most companies structure their work environments so that it’s difficult for people to come up with new ideas. This can prevent them from developing genuinely revolutionary ideas that drive further breakthroughs. According to Elsesser, cultivating a culture that encourages people to share their thoughts and develop new ones is very important to ensure that the company’s continuous innovation is successful. To achieve this, leaders should regularly hire the best candidates and ensure that the people they hire can contribute to the company’s success.

Sometimes, an idea can be truly transformative, but Elsesser warns that it often takes a long time to develop new ideas due to the various steps needed to get them to fruition. The company’s continuous improvement program is focused on identifying and improving key product lines. This strategy has allowed Penumbra to expand its reach beyond the acute stroke intervention space and into other areas such as rehabilitation and physical therapy.



Healthcare Tech Trends to Watch For in 2022

Healthcare is a rapidly changing industry, and that’s for a good reason. Technology is making it easier to provide care in more rural areas with telemedicine, while also providing cheaper healthcare services in cities. As technology continues to change the way people live their lives, so too will it change the way they receive medical treatment. Here are four healthcare tech trends to watch for in 2022:

Advanced Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is a form of treatment that uses information about a person’s genes, environment, and lifestyle to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. This type of medicine is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize how we treat cancer and other diseases. In 2022, precision medicine will become even more advanced, with the ability to target specific cells within the body. This will allow doctors to treat diseases more effectively and with fewer side effects. Precision medicine is also being used to develop new vaccines and treatments for rare diseases.

Healthy Systems Will Adopt Cloud-Based Systems

One of the biggest challenges for healthcare organizations is storing, managing, and protecting patient data. This information can be sensitive, so hospitals must ensure they have secure storage facilities. However, this means investing time and money into data management infrastructure instead of focusing on their core business function: treating patients. In 2022, more healthcare organizations will adopt cloud systems to store and manage patient data.

Increased AI Adoption

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a more significant role in healthcare in 2022. AI can help doctors make faster and more accurate diagnoses, while also helping them to reduce the number of unnecessary tests they prescribe to patients. Similarly, AI can be used to predict which patients are likely to develop chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease. It can then provide personalized treatment plans that will help them manage these diseases before they progress into something more serious.

Digitization of Healthcare Specialties

In 2022, healthcare will be even more digitized. This means that doctors and other healthcare professionals will rely increasingly on digital tools to help them with their work. For example, surgeons will use virtual reality to practice surgeries before performing them on patients. Nurses will use mobile apps to track patient vital signs and medication schedules. Pharmacists will use digital tools to identify drug interactions and recommend alternative medications.

Overrated Business Tips To Forget

Overrated Business Tips to Forget

Wherever you go, people provide unsolicited guidance on how to grow, run, or start a business. Out of the pointers they offer, some are valuable, and you must observe them. However, others are misinterpreted, outdated, or just plain wrong for the business you’re running. Here are some overrated business tips to forget.

1. Your Service or Product Must Be Unique

Businesspersons are often advised to outline what makes them stand out. However, it is not necessary to find an exclusive approach to achieve corporate success. A subtle change may improve the entire experience.

2. Customers Are Always Right

Do you need to make the customers happy? Yes. However, if your main goal is to please people, you may end up in a world of unnecessary suffering. It’s best to pay attention to the things that bring you a long-term profit, not the things that take your energy and time.

3. Do Not Start a Business With Your Friend

Many people think it’s a bad idea to start an enterprise with a friend, but that’s not true—friends whose expertise supplements each other may build a thriving business. Establishing a company may be straining to the relationship; however, the benefits of operating with a person you trust may be worth it.

4. Promote Your Business on Facebook

Companies have acknowledged that paid advertising is the only path to increase your Facebook image, which is still one of the world’s best social platforms. However, it is not always the top place to use up your advertising budget. There are other more effective means to reach your audience for a much lower price per lead, for instance, on platforms like Pinterest.

5. Concentrate on Your Site Instead of Building the Brand

It is important to have a brand that reverberates with ideal customers. However, investing all energy and time in the “perfect” site is not how to make it.

6. Never Reject an Opportunity

It is tempting to “do it all” and take all opportunities that cross your path at the beginning of your business. Saying “yes” to all opportunities in your corporate encounters will stifle your time and dilute your brand.

7. Gather as Much Cash as Possible

Each business needs cash to start and grow; however, not all businesses must seek that through financiers. While funding may help some companies grow significantly, other lifestyle corporations are at an advantage without it.
Finally, despite all the advice that entrepreneurs receive, they should filter what is right for their business.


Social Media Marketing Through Instagram

Marketers using TikTok should consider switching to Instagram. The social media platform now offers Instagram Reels, which has many of TikTok’s features, including a way for new creators to find a following. Instagram’s Explore algorithm makes it notoriously difficult for marketers to have their Stories found. Brands can share their Reel to their Stories and their Profile’s Reels tab. Instagram users will also see Reels on their Explore page.

TikTok may not be around for long. A potential ban is leaving TikTok influencers asking their fans to follow them on other platforms. President Trump already signed an executive order barring U.S. companies from doing business with TikTok after Sept. 20th. American companies that violate the order could face a fine of up to a $1 million fine.

Marketers can get on Instagram Reels now and take advantage of new Instagram users influencers bring and the already one billion active users each month. Reportedly, Mark Zuckerberg is trying to lure popular TikTok influencers to switch to Instagram, which Facebook owns. Facebook has deep pockets too, deeper than TikTok, which is trying to keep influencers with incentives. Facebook’s rumored offer of bankrolling video clip production for influential creators to post their content exclusively on Instagram reels will be hard for TikTok to beat.

Only 28 percent of marketing professionals use Instagram. Expect this number to rise once Instagram Reels catches on as a way to reach a young audience with 15-second video clips with catchy music. Businesses have a chance to show off their fun side with authentic content on Reels. Humanizing a brand is an ideal way to build genuine relationships with their fan base. Features like Instagram Reels let brands showcase their personality.

Other marketers are considering educational content for their Reels. As Reels were released early in certain countries, brands have been sharing recipes and providing helpful tips. Sephora France already has popular makeup tutorial Reels. They encourage engagement by asking viewers about their favorite eye shadow color.

Marketers who start using Instagram Reels early on will find the competition is low in the U.S. market. With many influencers jumping ship from TikTok to Instagram Reels, it’s a great time for brands to find influencers to develop branded Instagram Reels.


Remote Leadership Mistakes

Just when you think you have the whole leadership process figured out, a pandemic completely changes everything. Today, instead of face-to-face interactions, you are forced to conduct meetings and catch-ups on video calls. The most important thing is adjusting to the situation and learn how to motivate and manage your team remotely. Understandably, there are new skills you will have to learn. However, many leaders are continuously failing their remotely-working teams by making the following mistakes:

Lack of clear priorities, goals, and directions

As a team leader, you have to set clear priorities and goals to improve team performance. It’s not easy to do this remotely; however, ensure you review your team’s priorities and goals from time to time. An effective team will quickly outline goals, and a good leader will give team members clarity on their roles. Use virtual meeting platforms to update your team about any changes and hold catch-up meetings regularly.

Being Extremely Rigid

Today, most managers are tracking team members’ hours and monitoring daily activities to determine if the employees are working the agreed number of hours per day. Everyone can benefit from a flexible work schedule. Having a better integration of personal and work life can lead to a healthier, more productive, and happier team. As a leader, you should stop micromanaging and tracking how many hours an employee has spent on their screens. Instead you should focus on their daily achievements Give your team some space to breathe and don’t be so rigid. They know what works best for them.

Unproductive collaborations and communication

When working face-to-face, most collaborations and communications take place through informal conversations and interactions. However, this is not there with virtual teams. You need to find ways to foster better communication. The best option is to take advantage of online conferencing platforms such as Zoom.

Unconstructive, inconsistent and non-existent feedback

Giving employees feedback will motivate and improve their performance. It also keeps the team members satisfied since it shows you have their best interest at heart. Be consistent, offer suggestions on how they can improve, and coach them. Let your team learn from you, accept their feedback, and act on it. You can offer frequent feedback to your team through short video calls and creating one-on-one time with individual team members.

Dark room with doors along the sides, image used for Nicholas Fainlight blog on the top fintech companies of 2017

Top FinTech Companies of 2017

Financial technology companies are growing all around the globe, especially in the United States and Europe. Many of these companies make managing your finances much easier and help people get started with money management. So many fintech companies are startups seeing immense growth within their first few years of operation in the account management, payment processing, financial assets, capital, and lending markets. During 2017, there are some major fintech players that stand out way ahead of the rest.


In the payment processing market, Stripe is becoming a major contender for the well-known PayPal. Stripe currently operates in 25 countries around the globe and allows for both business and personal transactions via the internet. With the addition of many major retailers adopting the use of Stripe for the first time in 2016, the business has grown to be a major market leader in the payment processing industry for 2017. Most people are grateful for anything that makes paying for purchases simpler.


Prosper is a peer-to-peer lending platform that allows those in need of financing access to investors. This takes traditional bank funding and puts it on a new level. With Prosper, borrowers can find investors that are interested in funding them with unsecured personal loans for fixed terms and rates set by the platform itself. This makes lending simple for investors and borrowers alike.


As we see the numbers of individuals interested in becoming more hands-on with their financial investments rise, Robinhood fills the need for a free stock-trading platform. This mobile application is built with an easy interface that allows any average joe the ability to fund their account and trade stocks and learn a little bit more about investing. There are no maintenance fees or other agency costs that are traditionally required from brokerage firms.

Lending Club  

Another leading fintech company in the financing market, Lending Club, has made its mark by offering both individual and small business financing options. This peer-to-peer platform assigns borrowers willing investors who can help them out. These investors can purchase notes backed by the payments made on each loan by the borrower. There are options to purchase a diverse portfolio of notes to ensure the best financial stability possible.

Fintech companies are becoming an essential part of our society’s new digital age. People want faster ways to manage their money and businesses want faster ways to receive their profits and technology has become a part of every industry. As technology continues to advance you can expect to see massive growth in the number of fintech companies popping up around the globe to satisfying the needs of individuals and businesses alike.

Man using a tablet with an icon that says finance pulled up, image used for Nicholas Fainlight blog about finance apps

5 Apps for Managing Your Finances

Man using a tablet with an icon that says finance pulled up, image used for Nicholas Fainlight blog about finance apps

Everyone looks forward to receiving compensation after working hard. However, due to rising expenses, many people see their compensation vanish within a few days. Struggling with your finances is difficult, but there are ways that you can receive help. Thanks to the age of technology, there are multiple financial apps currently available to help manage your finances and get things under control.


Mint allows you to manage your monthly expenses, bank accounts, and credit cards under one joint account. You can view your net worth at any time. Mint calculates your spending each month, so you can keep track of your budget. It also provides different charts to help manage your finances without any issues. Mint will also send you notifications when you have upcoming payments.


Penny will interact with you and answer any questions you may have about your finances. It helps you keep track of your finances by showing you information about your daily spending and what bill payments are soon due. Penny also includes different financial charts and graphs to help you get a clear understanding of your financial situation.


BillGuard helps users understand their spending habits, while also protecting their financial information from fraudulent activity. This app can sync with your bank accounts, which allows you to see your overall balance, with a breakdown of every transaction. BillGuard also checks with you to make sure you made those transactions and not an impostor. If something is wrong, the transaction will be flagged until you speak with your bank or the merchant. BillGuard also includes analytics, such as spending per category, which gives you an enhanced look at your finances.


Expensify is available on your phone, as well as the internet. The user interface is easy and divided into multiple sections; SmartScan, Track Time, Track Distance, and Add Expense. Track Time allows you to keep a tab on your daily earnings. The popular SmartScan option allows you to take pictures and electronically save receipts. You can also add your credit or debit card to Expensify and track your balances from there.

You Need A Budget

You Need A Budget (YNAB) emphasizes being flexible. You’ll be tasked with assigning your money to a specific category, such as food, gas, and utilities. With YNAB’s structure, you’ll be able to easily recognize patterns in your spending and see which areas need to be improved.

Person holding a phone with a bunch of apps on the screen, image used for Nicholas Fainlight blog on whether or not investing apps are worth it

Are Investing Apps Really Beneficial?

Person holding a phone with a bunch of apps on the screen, image used for Nicholas Fainlight blog on whether or not investing apps are worth it

Lately, there’s been a rise of apps offered to help you manage your personal finances. There are various types of apps and options to choose from. Whether you merely want to work on budgeting, keep track of your credit score, or begin investing, you have plenty of apps  to check out. However, many people question whether or not these apps are actually worth it, especially investing apps. Is your information secure? Are you wasting money? Will you see any kind of return? I’d like to examine whether or not investing apps actually benefit the user.

The concerns about them

One of the main issues surrounding investment apps is the security of them. When you create an investment portfolio with a recognized bank or investment company, you must go through layers of security every time you want to do anything, even if it’s simply transferring money into an account. With investment apps, it doesn’t seem as though there’s as much security. Many people are also wary of putting their information online, so creating a new account with an app seems like the perfect way to have your account information compromised. While this concern is completely understandable, all of the popular investment apps have layers of cybersecurity, very similar to that of a banking website. Many apps also guarantee insurance for accounts up to a hundred thousand dollars, so if you’re below that number, you’d still be able to recover all of your money.

Another concern is whether or not the apps are worth the cost. Some of them charge high trading fees or have regular monthly fees, which can seem like a waste of money, especially when you’re trying to grow your wealth. The answer to this issue is a little murkier than the last. While you should certainly be investing your money in some way, it’s up to you what app you choose. Research the fees associated with each app and learn what different keywords mean, such as how much the app charges per trade. Decide how much you’ll be planning on investing into these accounts and whether or not regular fees are worth it.

Benefits of investing apps

One of the greatest benefits of investing apps is how most of them are designed for beginners to use. Many people do not have the first clue about investing and the best practices for it, so these apps have been designed with this issue in mind. Most investing apps are relatively simple to use once you take some time to play around with them. Some even offer blogs and other tips to help you with investment decisions. Still others offer you direct assistance from a financial advisor.

Another great benefit of investment apps is that you can open an account with relatively small amounts of money. You can start investing spare change or a few dollars and grow your portfolio. For younger investors, this feature is great, especially since many traditional investment companies require you to have a minimum of a few thousand dollars to invest upfront.

How to make them work for you

Finally, if you decide you do want to get into the world of investing and an app on your phone is the best option for you, there are ways to make sure you make the most of it. The best thing you can do is take your time and research the various apps. Check out blogs that focus on investing, financial advice, and financial apps to see what expert opinions are on the different apps and decide which one best fits your needs.

Nicholas Fainlight- Face Recognition Technology

All About Face Recognition Technology

How We Pay

The ways that individuals have paid for items and services has changed greatly over the years. At one time, different cultures would do trade for services or items. Now the majority of countries use currency or credit cards in order to make payment. Many credit cards have evolved to include a chip that is supposed to make credit card purchases more secure. In China, they are rolling out a completely new way to make payments.

Face Recognition Technology

Face recognition technology is taking purchasing to a different level. It is a technology that promises to replace credit cards, passwords, and identification. In China, there is a new app that has rolled out, and it is being used by 120 million people. This is an app that allows individuals to transfer money using a facial recognition technology. This technology enables an individual to leave their currency and cards at home. All they have to do is use their smile, and they can make a purchase. This application is called AliBaba Auto Pay Experts. This face recognition technology is sure to become popular in the Western world as well because it is highly accurate.

How Does Face Recognition Work

Face recognition is a technology that has been around for years, but it has greatly improved. Face recognition is precise, and it uses advanced technology to identify the special features on a person’s face. This technology has been shown to be more precise than voice recognition. This is a technology that can identify faces in different lighting and at different angles. There are some financial institutions in China that have gone as far as using face recognition to give out loans.

What Companies Are Interested In Face Recognition

Companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are interested in face recognition technology. These companies could use this face recognition technology to learn about their customers interest, hobbies and preferences. Also, this technology can enable social media sites to tag an individual’s face on their friend’s photos.

Face Recognition And You

Face recognition could bring huge benefits to consumers all around the world. With the huge amount of theft that occurs currently, an individual can feel secure in knowing that he or she has nothing on their person that can be taken away. Face recognition is definitely the way of the future.

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